New photonic integrated tuneable EC laser with PZT actuators to debut at Photonics West 2025!

This year at Photonics West, I am excited to share the results of a new development for our external cavity lasers: a rock-steady, pin-point accurate C-band device with power efficient tuners!

Among the many devices we have develop at LioniX, the external cavity laser has certainly been one of the most popular among our customers and most useful for the various R&D projects we contribute to. Its narrow linewidth, broad tunability, small form factor, and wavelength customizability make it adaptable to many applications. We have been pushing the natural limits of its design for different projects, and it turns out that a SOA chip attached to a TriPleX® silicon nitride chip can be adjusted in a million ways to fulfill different needs. The need this new laser is fulfilling is dual: long-term stability and high power efficiency. Plus a few more things.

The highlights of the research paper to I am presenting at Photonics West are the high output power around 21 mW,  the low power dissipation of 0.48 W with RSOA pump current, and the negligible power usage of the piezoelectric actuators at less than 1 µW in stready operation. The small form factor around 0.5 cm for all photonic components combined with its power efficiency and near 100 GHz ITU tunability make it a perfect fit for telecom devices.

Its stability in operation and accurate tunability also make it a standout. An intrinsic linewidth of 126 Hz, with over 60 dB of SMSR, promise precise output with minimal noise. An RIN of -170 dBc/Hz was measured for the device, fitting the profile.

LioniX TriPleX silicon nitride external cavity laser

The design of our external cavity lasers allow for a versatile set of devices, tailor-made for each application.

Performance metrics of the new external cavity laser by LioniX

The paper outlining the design, fabrication, and performance of the laser, all done at LioniX, will be the subject of a talk I am giving on Wednesday the 29th. It is the result of the fantastic collaborative work we do at LioniX across specialized teams, and I am excited to share these results on their behalf. I hope to see you in the audience!

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Schematic of the experimental setup using a structured light trap. Left: Layout of the trap electrodes and photonic structures. Right: Schematic of the intensity profile of the light field.
Artist's render of the University of Twente's High Tech Foundry for silicon nitride production in Enschede.