LioniX International news

Photonic biosensing results for covid-19 testing
LioniX International’s photonic biosensing partner Surfix Diagnostics BV has shared promising new results demonstrating the capabiltities of its platform.

Ultra low-power stress-optic actuators
We demonstrate ultra-low power, high-speed actuators for low-loss silicon nitride Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs).

KIVI Innovation drinks
Join KIVI and key players in the Twente-based integrated photonics ecosystem for an evening of inspiring discussions and networking focused on the region’s innovative power.

OFC conference: Where to see us in action
We’re super excited to be back at one of the world’s biggest optical technology conferences. Find out where to see us.

Ultra low power fast actuation for TriPleX photonic integrated circuits
We're presenting the latest results on ultra-low power actuators at Photonics West on-demand 21-27th February.

Presenting 850nm tunable lasers at OFC in March
We're presenting tunable lasers at 850nm intended for life science applications at the OFC conference next month.

Our CSO Chris Roeloffzen presented with Veder Prize for beamformer development
The Veder Prize, which recognizes exceptional contributions to the field of radio or related sciences was last week awarded to LioniX’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr Chris Roeloffzen.

Our CSO Chris Roeloffzen to receive Veder Prize
Last night LioniX International CSO Dr Chris Roeloffzen was awarded the Veder Prize for the development of a photonic beamformer.

A new world you wear everyday: A laser light engine for augmented reality headsets
LioniX International announces an integrated RGB laser light engine for retinal projection augmented reality headsets.

€8.5m investment accelerates availability of integrated photonic biosensing for early disease detection
LioniX International biosensing partner Surfix announces an investment of € 8,5 million to accelerate development of rapid diagnostics platform using LioniX International biochips.