Photonic Integrated Circuits
LioniX International offers ultra-low loss Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and custom-made modules based on silicon nitride.
We can fabricate your chip – or even deliver your complete module. From design to device, our vertically integrated approach supports you during the whole product development cycle.
We supply Photonic Integrated Circuits and modules based on our proprietary waveguide technology TriPleX®. Besides maintaining ultra-low propagation losses, TriPleX ® also makes it possible to attain the lowest achievable coupling losses, by using vertical and horizontal spot size converters (tapers).
Our PICs and modules are used in a suite of high-tech applications in telecom and datacom, quantum, LiDAR, biosensors, AR and VR.
Learn more about LioniX International and our capabilities →


LioniX International BV
PO Box 456
7500 AL Enschede
The Netherlands
Visiting address
Building The Gallery
Hengelosestraat 500
7521 AN Enschede
The Netherlands